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Friday, 26 September 2008

Squawky Australian Birds Part 1

Kookaburra: Solid, chunky type of bird. Makes an unforgettable noise, basically shouts it's name very, very LOUDLY. Over and over again. Bit like football supporters. Koo koo koo ka ka ka ka KA KA KA KA KA KA ...you get the picture.

Rainbow Lorikeet: Look pretty but screetch like a child being strangled. Waking up to a dawn chorus of them in Noosa at the moment. Big misnomer the Dawn Chorus.

The Cassowary: The strangest looking bird I've ever seen and definitely the only one with a blue neck. Very tall, about half my size. Met one in Mission Beach who was a resident at the place we were staying. Prowls around very quietly. I wouldn't mess with him though. Reckon he'd take me in a fight.

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