The six month mark is on the horizon and I feel as if I’ve got this baby business cracked. Changes have been made. Things are less scary. We even have a routine of sorts. The toughest nut to crack was the issue of napping but after a few nights of hard negotiation, both parties made compromises. Finally Baby D and myself agreed that naps would be confined to 30 minutes in the morning (cot only), with the length of afternoon naps at Baby D’s discretion and only taking place in the buggy while travelling at a minimum of 2 miles per hour. Other developments have happened more naturally. Baby D has accepted that no matter how hard he tries, his pee won’t reach the ceiling when he’s lying on the changing table and it’s actually more fun to eat his toes instead of weeing everywhere. Nappy changes are now way quicker and much less messy. Also much quicker are his milk feeds, now only taking 15 minutes and now that he can sit up even getting dressed is less traumatic for all concerned. Yes I thought I had it cracked and even made it back to the gym a few times. I almost felt like I may regain a party of my previous life. Silly, silly me. After 5 consecutive nights of been woken every 2 hours, and being so tired during the day I couldn’t even concentrate on the Gilmore Girls, I eventually got Baby D’s message that he needed to start on solids. (It would have been so much easier to send an email.) So now I’m steaming, pureeing and freezing anything that looks healthy, not to mention trying to work out the mathematical conundrum of how many frozen fruits and veg cubes can fit into our tiny little ice box. Once I’ve got the solid foods crisis sorted I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the first tooth starts to make its presence known…..
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