I´ve inhaled most of Cusco´s dust and pollution over the past week or so, not to mention cement and lethal paint fumes, so it´s no surprise that I have a upper respiratory tract infection. So far not so bad but I´m dosing myself with paracetamol and Vitamin C and have discovered that you can get Penicillin over the counter, just in case. I´m not a hypochondriac but I everyone in the house where I´m staying (AKA The Big Brother House)are coming down with either chest infections or crazy gut problems. After lunch I spent a pleasant hour googling Salmonella and Giardia which one of the girls have been diagnosed with. My trusty 90% Alcohol hand cleanser which travels everywhere with me is being truely tested.
I am def bringing my iodine drops!!!
Stick with bottled water and avoid ice adn you´ll be grand!
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