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Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Sleeping Like A Baby

Shhhhhhhh…..whisper it………Baby D has started to sleep through the night!
There! I’ve officially announced it to the world – or at the very least to the two or three people that read this blog.A bit like He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in Harry Potter, I’ve been a little fearful of saying it out loud, but it seems that 12 hours of unbroken sleep is now the norm. It’s certainly not due to anything different I’ve been doing so I can only put it down to Baby D’s new exercise regime of doing laps of the living room, pulling books off the shelves, opening drawers,attacking the guitar and chasing the cat’s tail. I daren’t write anymore in case I jinx it, but to the smug Mums that state proudly: “My Baby so-and-so is sleeping through the night. What about yours?” I can now smile and answer, “Baby D is a wonderful sleeper and doesn't wake up until morning," and I won’t bother explaining that it took us 11 months before we got there.

1 comment:

Cowgirl said...

Congratulations! One 12 hr sleep stint qualifies you for entry into smug mums club IMHO!!!