I’m officially sick of other Mothers advising me on how well their babies are sleeping. This week I bumped into a friend whom I hadn’t seen in a while and after dutifully admiring each other’s off spring, she couldn’t wait another minute before telling me breathlessly that, “Milseán is sleeping through the night already (dramatic pause)........ and she’s only three weeks old! We don’t know ourselves now that we are getting a good night’s sleep.” She looked triumphantly at me.
What I felt like saying was: “Please don’t tell me how your baby is sleeping unless I ask, or, unless they aren't sleeping at all. I don’t want to hear how bloody brilliant she is at napping and sleeping through the night until Baby D is taking naps and sleeping for more than 3 hours on the trot himself and at the rate he’s going that won’t be until he’s eighteen. And I definitely don’t want to hear about how you’re catching up on sleep yourself when I am so tired I went to a yoga class with my shorts on inside out."
Very grumpy of me I know, but here’s what happened last night;
7.00 pm I put Baby D to Bed
7.30 pm I manage to leave the room
9.30 pm Baby D wakes up. Feed and settles after a quick blast of “Ten Green Bottles”
12.30am Baby D wakes up. Feed and sit with for a while until he finds a comfy position to sleep.
1.00am Baby D Wakes up. I'm not sure why but change pooey nappy anyway.
1.15am Decide it’s teething. Wake Hubbie to help administer Nurofen.
1.45am Everyone back to bed.
2.00am Baby D needs to hold my hand going to sleep.
2.30am Withdraw hand and sneak back to bed.
3.05 am Baby D realises hand is gone, protests. I reinstate hand.
3.10am Gardaí discuss what to do about a vandalised car right outside the bedroom window - LOUDLY.
3.30am Finally Baby D is asleep and I’m back in bed.
3.35am Tow truck for vandalised car pulls up and LOUDLY removes car very s..l..o..w..l..y.
3.45am I am still waiting for tow truck to leave and Baby D to wake at any minute.
4.00am. Truck gone, Baby D asleep still, unfortunately I am now wide-awake.
6.50am Baby D awakes bright eyed and bushy tailed. “Gooooood Moooorning Kingscourt!”
Of course I didn’t say anything of the sort. Instead I lied.
“That’s super! You know Baby D is sooo much better at night as well!”
1 comment:
OMG that is such a cruel night. At least I am only risking a disturbed night 1/4. Baby D obviously loves you so much more than those babies who are happy to abandon their parents for a whole 7 hrs????
At least Spain won!!
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