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Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Spatial Awareness

It’s been a while since I’ve studied physics but I’m sure there’s a law of Newton or Einstein or someone that states that the smaller the person the greater the expansion of their stuff throughout available space. If there’s not, well there should be and I’d call it the First Law of Baby D or the “I’m only little but will make my presence known by having my things everywhere” Law.
Baby D is only 63 cm long, just over 5 kg and can’t even move independently, yet has managed to infiltrate every corner of our place. In fact in order to write this entry I’ve cleared the squeaky giraffe from under my keyboard, squeezed my chair around the nappy changing unit while sitting on one of his blankets. His little outfits proudly hang in wardrobes in both bedrooms, neatly arranged according to age, while our clothes lie in a crumpled heap on the floor or under our bed. Our bed, squashed against the wall; the lockers gathering dust and collecting long-term unemployment benefit, all to accommodate the lovely spacious cot in our room. Playmats, bouncy chairs and jungle gyms infiltrate three quarters of the floor space in our living room (the other quarter is owned by the cat’s things but that’s a story for another day). Even the car has one of the back seats taken over by a contraption for the car seat, the car which I now have to spend ten minutes delicately reversing into a tricky space because if I just drive into it we can’t get the car seat in.
You have to wonder if this is what it’s like at 4 months old what will happen when he hits 4 years? It’s enough to bring tears to the eyes. Tears that I would wipe away except that I removed a pair of baby socks neatly rolled up in the sleeve of my jumper where my tissue should be!


Cowgirl said...

That baby lark seems to be a full time job, good thing he is a cute little fella! Glad to hear Uisce managing to hold onto some space by the tips of her claws. As for the nappy on cat plan for training-cats have claws, boy babies just pee in your eyes. Also I am sure little guy hasn't learnt to huff as well as the cat yet- or is he getting lessons?

skigirl said...

also cats have teeth - D's is busy gumming me to death at the moment, fortuantly no sharp ones yet!!