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Sunday, 8 February 2009

Some nice things

I made some iced cupcakes this week and thought that's what the country needs to cheer itself up - some nice things, preferably edible and highly calorific. As I can't put my cupcakes on the blog I decided to do the next best thing and find some nice headlines from the papers instead. Here's the best I could come up with......not great but you should see the ones I couldn't include because of general depressingness..

BT lifts spirits with colour and optimism

Decrease in number of murders and rapes

Downturn means CO2 targets now achievable

Boy escapes injury as car crashes into house in NI

Re-formed Britpoppers Blur to play Oxegen

30% fall in homicides and rise in burglaries, CSO data reveals

Wanted: a maverick gunslinger to save us from the cowboys

Several online services offering free access to music and videos

New Government insulation scheme to create four thousand jobs

Penguins enjoy snow in Dublin Zoo


Cowgirl said...

Never had a cupcake, bring me down some and I will make muffins and choc chip cookies!!
Feeling crap as started cold and not sure if going to get better or worse...need sympathy... only getting worried glances about ability to do work (as 1 vet on hols) and not enough genuine/faked sympathy :-(

Cowgirl said...

Has this blog fallen foul of the global cutbacks!!! Happy easter