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Saturday, 20 December 2008

Doom and Gloom

The flight home went extremely smoothly; 2 planes, 2 stopovers, 22 hours later landing in Dublin on time - then we get delayed for 40 mins waiting for our baggage to be unloaded in an empty Dublin airport. At least the hopping up and down and swearing kept me warm, as we missed our train due to the delay.
So what's it like being home? Well like we've never been away. The Lisbon treaty is being debated again, the weather is still grey and miserable, just colder and the economy is still bad. I'm thinking of starting a new drinking game - every time the word Recession is mentioned on the news or in the papers we should down a shot.Might cheer people up a bit. It's inescapable, restaurant reviews, discussions on gigs, gardening articles all manage to bring the topic miserably back to the economy and use it as an excuse for everything. Small portions in a restaurant? Ah sure it's the recession. Lots of traffic in Dublin. Ah it's the recession. A badly pulled pint - ah it's ... I'm expecting the return of the mullet any day now. "Sure I couldn't afford to get the back cut with the recession and all.."
This will be a truncated blog entry. Cutbacks due to the......................

1 comment:

Cowgirl said...

Yeah my little brother reckons he heard a rumour in Canada that the government are considering setting fire to the whole of ireland and just claiming the insurance........glad you are home safe and sound!!