The last few days have been spent chilling in Perth, trying to soak up as much sun as possible before heading home. The days have developed into a nice pattern of thinking about Christmas shopping, drinking coffee and plenty of swimming and long walks. Today was notable due to the rescue of a pigeon from head-banging itself to death in the window of a coffee shop but apart from that nothing too startling to report. We have a nice room in our hostel; ensuite (luxury) although the shower doesn’t work and it’s overlooking the railway so every 10 minutes (every 5 between 6-8am and 5-7pm) the room shakes like we’re in a 1930s tenement. Still it’s a nice room and we even have a TV although we can’t hear it when the trains go by.
On Wednesday we begin the final part of the journey and are heading back home. It’s hard to believe 4 months have gone by and it seems like the other day since I was getting nervous about breaking out of my well established routine and heading off to Peru. It’s even harder to believe that the next time I write this blog I’ll be in Dublin, it will be dark outside and probably cold and wet. I’ve enjoyed every last minute with too many highlights to mention and a lot of things I’ll miss when I’m at home so to be positive here’s a list of the things I won’t miss about travelling:
1. Trying to figure out why everything fitted into my backpack perfectly until I bought an extra t shirt and now only half the stuff will squeeze in
2. The impossibility of finding a knife sharp enough to cut anything in hostel kitchens
3. Hostel kitchens
4. Having to carry your own packs of plates, bowls and cutlery around in certain hostels and having to pay $10 deposit for the privilege
5. Flying cockroaches (only seen one but it flew in the window beside me as I was writing this)
6. Applying sunscreen all the time on the beach
Finding somewhere really nice to stay and then having to leave
7. Going for a run at 7 in the evening, the sun just beginning to set over the sea and spotting a dolphin jumping in the distance - only kidding!
Finally some more piccys of nice things……..
Sleepy Koala , Philip Island

North Stradbroke Isl

Bateman's Bay

Magnetic Island