Baby D revolutionised my world yesterday. I was rushing about, late as usual; making heavy weather of putting his cardigan on when he looked me in the eye, shook his head and firmly said “No!” I nearly fell over with the shock of it all. A clear communication from Baby D! Be gone the days of crying spells and wondering what the hell it was all about! Be gone the days of guessing and double guessing what he needs! Be gone the days of thowing a coin into the air to determine what the tomato face was about this time! I swept him up for a hug and kiss and danced around the bedroom. “It's like meeting an alien and realising that they can actually speak English.” I thought, as I sang “Oh Happy Days!”
I stopped pretty quickly when I realised I still had to put on the cardigan, get out the door, make up for lost time and NOW on top of that I knew for certain that Baby D didn’t want to go. Hmmmmm. After a few days when I had been told in no uncertain terms that no he didn’t want to nap in his cot, no he wasn’t ready for brekkie and no, that’s enough banana thank you, the novelty was beginning to wear off. I began to feel guilty that he felt the need to learn the negative so quickly. Had I been doing lots of stuff that had intensely irritated him that spurred him in to taking the giant leap of saying "NO!". Surely there must have been something I offered him at some stage that excited him enough to exclaim “Yes?” or “Yeah” if that was easier to pronounce? Or have I been so negative that all he's heard to date has been in the negative? (not enough sleep, not the mobile phone, don't pull off the cat's tail, etc..etc..you see my point.)So I’ve started ending my sentences with “Yeah” and smiling inanely to look Positive! “Good Banana Yeah!" "You want the truck? Yeah!" "You’ve done a poo? Yeah!"
So far no progress, except I feel like a cheerleader at a positive thinking seminar and my cheeks ache a little from smiling.